Best Cartoon Games for Android Phone and Fire Tablet

With the arrival of smartphones now people don’t watch TV as they used to watch in the good old days. Remember when we were kids we would never miss our favorite cartoon shows, not even once in our childhood.
Well! then TV was the only digital entertainment. Remembering those good old days, I have assembled a list of the best cartoon games apps that used to be or even still our favorite.
So below is the list of the best Cartoon characters video games apps you must download on your Fire Tablet or Android Phone.
Ben 10: Up to Speed
Who doesn’t love Ben-10, the ultimate hero of all the kids. Ben 10: Up to Speed is one of the top best games on the Amazon store, in which you can enjoy the super speed of Ben fighting enemies in a supersonic way. You will have to run, jump and smash your enemies to get past them.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Best App
If you are a Marvel Movies Fan and especially if you are a Spiderman fan then you definitely wanna play the Amazing Spider-Man 2. Spider-Man is the most important fictional character of Marvel Comics. This is the official Spider-Man game you have to use different powers of Spider-Man to go through the mission. This Amazon game has some beautiful graphics and awesome controls. You are gonna love this game if you have a little bit of affection for Marvel Comic Universe.
LEGO Jurassic World Best App
Watching Jurassic World used to be our favorite moments of our childhood. The reason this game is one of the top best games on the Amazon store is the huge fan following of Jurassic World and that in a LEGO form. Relive 65 million years of Dinosaurs in a LEGO bricks way and dissolve your mood into your childhood or you can download it for your amazon Kids Fire Tablet or any other Android device.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Half-Shell Heroes
The Ninja Turtles are favorite among both kids and grown-ups. Movies have been made based on Ninja Turtles. In this top best games on the Amazon store, you will face several challenges and you have to make strategies to save the city from destroying. With stunning graphics and super smooth control, you will face a new level of awesomeness in this amazon game.
Collect award badges and game achievements to make your game even better. Click here for more details about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Half-Shell Heroes.
Amazon Average Seller Review: 3.8
Disclaimer: All the names and images have Copyrights reserved by the respective games on Amazon Appstore